
Often times, applications require references. Usually, there is a section with blank spots for you to list 1-2 people. You write their name, phone number, and then are left to wonder…will they even get contacted? Let’s step up the reference game. I went ahead and reached out to past clients and co-workers to see if they would be willing to tell YOU a bit more about their experience working with me. And to make this even more fun…some are in video form!

A video message from Katelyn Schur

“Rena was my very first boss right out of college. I spent close to 6 months trying to find that person to take a chance on me and luckily, Rena was that person. 

As a boss, Rena is a communicator - she tells you exactly what she needs, how you can improve, or how you succeeded. Her words are kind, supportive, honest, and clear and her work ethic motivated me to be better and work harder every day - Even when I didn’t want to. 

Rena’s management style is an “open door policy” - I was always welcome and always a priority. While I obviously worked for our company and for my own growth - I worked for Rena too, to support her efforts, projects, and any adversity she faced. And that’s not because I had to but because I wanted to. 

To sum it up: I am going to be very hard pressed to find a boss that can come anywhere close to Rena Saltsman and all that she has taught me. Whomever has the privilege next to be on her team is very lucky.”


“Rena is one of the most impressive women I have ever worked with. She is an extraordinary leader with wisdom and presence beyond her years.”

-Mark W. Schaefer


“I have worked with Rena on a number of different projects over the past 5 years in the areas of marketing and communication. She has proven to be consistent and reliable and able to work with flexibility and under pressure. Rena is extremely professional delivering what is promised and always willing to go over and above what is required.” -Vickie Reddy


Hanna Koenig

“Rena was amazing to work with! She’s responsible and innovative. Throughout the entire process of working with Rena, she continued to help us find creative ways for solutions. She’s tenacious and communicated well every step of the way.”


Jerry Mathew

“Companies are becoming more strategic in the way that they think about recruiting, and are under increasing pressure from the business to make sure that talent acquisition is driving the right kind of hire. Our recruiting team was guided by Rena with her marketing and branding skills to win in this brave new world of hiring. She is on her toes and ready to get her hands dirty and her ideas are on the roll to get work done. I remember a day when I was out of ideas and literally racking my brains to how to write a blog on a candidate feedback about my help in placing her on a job. Within minutes, Rena got the layout and verbiage ready for me. I knew I could count on her for anything! Rena`s team worked on the motto of "Attract, Connect, Engage” with prospects and got in many clients to buy our product through their social media outreach.”


Buddy Putnam

“To say that working with Rena Saltsman was a pleasure really would not do it justice.  Rena was constantly an uplifting voice around the office, encouraging team members, pushing for unity and inclusivity in the workplace, and congratulating everyone on their successes.  Rena is a true asset to a team, and is someone who I would be honored to work with at any time!”


Jay Hoelscher

“Rena Saltsman provided a comprehensive marketing analysis and material services for Think Chromatic. Her work has been core to launching both our website and strategy to reach a broader audience. Through it all, she has been a solid and dependable resource, providing the technical know-how and market research to provide the resources we require to run a successful business.

We have found her to be very focused on our needs as a customer. She provides a strong emphasis on service, an efficient process, and has proven to be reliable and extremely helpful.
I would recommend her to anyone needing a marketing push for success.”