“The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.”

-Sheryl Sandberg


Hi! My name is Rena Saltsman. I am a Marketer, Strategist, Leader, Wife, Mom…and more.

My marketing journey began when I started as a Marketing Coordinator at The Willow Creek Association, known now as The Global Leadership Network. Over my years working with the company, I was given the opportunity to take the Director of Digital Communications position.

Through this role, I was able to take my digital effort to the next level by working and leveraging a team of leaders to reach our goals.

Soon after, I decided to part ways and start my own marketing agency called Manor Marketing. Through Manor, I had my hands in projects such as social strategy, web strategy, digital design, and more. All of these opportunities stemmed from a variety of organizations across multiple industries such as the global non-profit World Relief, globally known marketing expert Mark Schaefer, to smaller companies such as Giant Impact, SproutBox, and Synergy Services.

Fast forward a few years and one of my clients, NuWave, offered me an opportunity I could not resist in the IT industry. I was not with them very long because I decided to take some time and build our small but beautiful family.

After living in Atlanta, Chicago, New York and Grand Rapids, my family and I decided to settle down on a beautiful six acres of land in Grand Haven, Michigan (which we like to call “Salty Acres”). My husband David and I have two beautiful little girls (Arlie - 2 1/2 and Everly - 1 ). They keep us on the go 24/7 but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Although most professional advice says to not talk about family…they are a BIG part of my life and they are my motivation to get better everyday.

In 2019, I decided to jump back into the working world and that is when I found an opportunity with ApplicantOne, Inc. This small company gave me one of the best experiences I could have ever asked for. Although I worked remotely, I felt embedded into the culture. I had the privilege to lead their marketing efforts and drive awareness for this emerging brand.

In a few short months I was able to accomplish more than I would have ever imagined through social media, CRM implementation, events, email, design, media, and more. Although my journey has ended with ApplicantOne, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. Although I am very sad to see this opportunity come to a close, I am excited to lean in and find what new opportunity awaits.

A Little More About Me


  • As a continuous learner, I thrive at the opportunity of a challenge and strengthening my leadership skills.

  • I can effectively analyze symptoms, identify problems, and find creative solutions while managing multiple tasks and projects.

  • I am dependable and trustworthy valuing a healthy team culture. I look for ways to contribute and support teams and organizations.

  • I am a firm believer in customer service. Connecting, serving, and gaining relational equity is key to strengthening clientele relationships. 


  • I am a creative and love the opportunity to create “something” out of nothing.

  • My love language is food. My husband and I take food seriously and make it a point to experience as many unique restaurants and recipes as we can.

  • One of my creative outlets is cooking/baking. From macaroons to bagels or even brewing homemade maple syrup from our property…you will find me cooking something up in the kitchen on a weekly basis.

  • I love people. Hands down…I truly care about all people. It is the core of who I am. I want people to feel known, appreciated, and welcomed.

What are my strengths?

Have you ever taken the Clifton’s Strengths Finders test? Over the past 10 years, I have made a commitment to take this test every 2 years. I am a firm believer that our strengths tend to shift as we grow in our experiences. Interested to see what my results were? Click the button below to find out!

Keep going…there’s more!

My marketing philosophies.


Build a foundation.

You cannot build a house on a cracked foundation and expect it to last, same with the way you approach business and marketing. I am a firm believer that before you spend thousands on advertising or the latest new trend, it’s important to make sure that your marketing foundation is set. This looks different for every company, but the vital impact it has on a company does not change.


Act. Analyze. Adjust.

Marketing is changing every single day. In no way can anyone be an expert. The fact is, algorithms, the market, and trends change at a rapid pace. Throughout my career, this has been a reality and so I decided that one of the most strategic ways to work as a marketer is to: Act, Analyze and Adjust. It’s my philosophy and the key piece to my strategy. Here is a FREE download about how to use this philosophy.


Consistency is key.

For most marketers, there is an urgency to get results right away. But, the reality is, you cannot get immediate results. It takes time, dedication, and consistency. I have worked with a variety of companies (most with a very limited budget), and we have learned that consistency is a key factor in getting results especially on a budget. Show up in your industry, start talking, keep talking, and soon people will listen.

Let’s connect.

Interested in learning more about me? Let’s schedule a time to connect.